Facing us with our own inner discomforts and perversions, HG / LF presents “Creature Simili”; the material manifestation of a long standing investigation into the emotional sphere of the individual; a carefully chaotic analysis of the incessant stream of thoughts that emerge when we are stripped bare and left alone with the deepest parts of ourselves, and of the unease that follows a rupture between ego and sense of self. Through an immersive audio-performative experience, we find the collection scattered beneath a sound system, as though the bodies of the wearers have evaporated into thin air, rendering the clothing a second skin for the creature simili; a form of protection in a vast and hostile system that is indifferent to their pain. “Creature Simili” speaks of a pulverised society. Of otherness. Of the profound disquiet caused by a fracture within the deep planes of our innermost self.Yet it offers itself as an armour, a way to safeguard our wounds, to unleash the multitude of monsters within, and to ultimately let them transform us.