

HG/LF presents A Call to Dreamers of Fallen Systems, a resonant cry from the depths of contemporarysociety and a nomadic manifesto for those who dare to envision a reality beyond the ruins.In a world fractured by inequality, HG/LF stands as a bastion of dissent, championing a vision that transcendsfashion to embrace a cultural and spiritual revolution.This collection, comprising seventeen looks, is a sartorial theatre excoriating the deep wounds of humanity.With the system itself as a stage, A.C.T.D.O.F.S. narrates the stories of distinct characters, each representinga facet of the hierarchy—The Drowned is crushed beneath the weight of indifference; The Miserables bearthe scars of injustice; The Dissidents are the timeless rebels challenging social order; The Healer strives tosoothe the injured and downtrodden; and The Guardians and Politicians feed the cold machinery of control.Together, they reflect the forces that shape our condition, serving as a stark reminder that, in the shadow ofthe powerful few, we are all vulnerable.Each piece, crafted from hand-picked deadstock fabrics, conveys a message that emphasises the inherentvalue of materials, underscored by an acute awareness of their scarcity. Drawing from 19th-centurysensibilities, the cuts are deliberate and tailored, reflecting HG/LF's deep sense of purpose, while theirmodern lens forges a dialogue between past and present, challenging conventional notions of time.HG/LF emerges as a collective of kindred spirits, driven by the desire to shape a different future. The hearts,minds, and efforts behind this movement are dedicated to those who have always paid the highest price butwho, despite everything, endure. From Milan to Paris, New York to Kyiv, Jerusalem to Warsaw, their callhas echoed across cities, uniting voices in its wake.A.C.T.D.O.F.S. is an invitation to action, urging the creation of a subversive imagination that rejects thedominant order.